Thursday, December 6, 2012


A little catch up post from Halloween, Thanksgiving and now it's almost Christmas!

Cason at Halloween.  I tried to get some more pictures but none of them turned out too well.  I think the little bear was a little hot.
We went to Plano the entire week of Thanksgiving.  Cason borrowed my sunglasses for the drive down. 
We were supposed to take a little break and stay at a cabin near Tyler for part of the time but Cason was sick the first weekend we were there. We cancelled and got lots of Grandparent time! Terry and I actually got 2 weeks of vacation (if you can call chills, aches and fevers vacation). Cason shared his little bug and we missed almost the entire week of work after Thansgiving. Cason got to go back and spend some time with Grandma Dale, Grammy and Grandaddy. My parents met us in Waco for the switch so we could rest and get better.  I missed him but it is amazing what 10 straight hours of sleep will do for you.
He discovered the doggie door at Grandma D's house.  I'm sure the next step will be crawling in and out of it.  So far he just pushes it back and forth.
Another photo shoot with Grammy. He loved the leaves!
While we were in Plano before Thanksgiving we went to the Gaylord Texan.  It was kind of a last minute decision.  I wasn't even thinking about Santa but there was no line so Cason had his first meeting.  No crying Santa pictures for Cason!
He was so cute.  I just wish he was wearing something Christmas- or at least not sweat pants. :)  After the first picture he had to do a beard check.  It was real and I had to pry it out of his little fingers.

8 Months

Our little man is growing up too fast!  The last two weeks it seems like he has grown in leaps.  Cason is full on crawling now.  If he wants it, he will crawl to get it.  He will crawl over you or anything in his way.  He really loves things he can't have- like cords, shoes, plastic bags- I could go on forever.  He has also started pulling up.  We lowered the mattress in his crib and while it was out on the floor he crawled up and over it by himself.  He is constantly moving and busy.

He still loves pretty much all of his baby food and has discovered Puffs.  He is a fan!  The best part for us is they keep him entertained.  I stick him in the highchair with some Puffs and I can make dinner or we put them out at a restaurant and he's busy shoving them in his mouth.  He is also getting the hang of the sippy cup.  He can hold both his bottle and the cup but he pretty much won't do it unless forced.  He is usually at his sweetest when he takes his bottle so I take advantage of this and gets in some good snuggle time.

I have discovered that there really is a use for that strap on the changing pad.  I really didn't even use the changing pad that much but diaper changes have become a challenge unless he's too tired to fight.  I don't know how something so little can be so much stronger than me but he is squirly.  The strap is now in full effect for most diaper changes.

Playing in the leaves.  He now has 3 teeth so he is a little lopsided. :)

Friday, November 9, 2012

7 Months!

This month was really fast!  I think it seemed faster since I just did the 6 month post.  Not much has changed since last month.  Cason can sit up for about as long as he wants and is so close to crawling.  He gets on all fours and rocks back and forth but hasn't quite made the move.  He does have a scooting motion that gets hims places and sometimes he kind of crawls backwards.  There have been a few crawling movements but I'm pretty sure it was an accident, not really intentional.

He loves to stick his tongue out and spit.  I think its the noise he likes more than anything.  Cason loves watches, keys and remotes.  Toy keys are not really good replacements.  He is totally silly all the time and loves to smile and laugh and he is very vocal now.  There are 3 exceptions: teething, when he wants his food, and when he is overly tired. Speaking of food he eats everything and wants to eat more.

Our 7 month old boy!
 I'm trying to decide if he's going to start sucking his thumb. It is finding his way to his mouth more and more...along with his toes. I find him like this a lot. :)
Everyone comments on the hair.  Best picture of it so far!
He now has 2 teeth and judging by the intensity of his chewing there might be more on the way.  You can barely see his little teeth but its the best so far.
He actually smiles a lot at the camera.  He loves when you take a picture with your phone and switch the view so he can see it.  He thinks its a mirror.  He knows when we go downstairs we stop in the middle to look in the mirror on the wall and after his bath we check ourselves out in the mirror too.
Cason and Daddy.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

A day with Cason

This is a typical home work day with my little man.  He makes it really easy on me by always finding ways to entertain himself.

This was kind of a strange occurance.  He started out bouncing, then chewing on the seat, and the next thing I knew he was passed out.  I moved him to the crib and he slept for another 2 hours.

 He has discovered that he can get under the bed in the office.  He is constantly rolling under it.  There is nothing under there but he loves it and is always so proud of himself.  The third picture is my favorite.

He can sit now for longer periods.  Some times he just sits and watches me work. He is also babbling more so we have little conversations.  He is fascinated by typing.  Even if he is playing when I start typing a lot he stops and watches me.   

We took a little lunch break and Cason was rolling around on the living room floor. He was banging his head on the media cabinet door but kept rolling over to it.  I tried to put a boot in front of the door but this is how that turned out.  We also lost our pants at some point.
I tried to get a picture of his tooth but he wasn't cooperating.  So just another cute picture. :)  He has one on the bottom and another one next to it coming in right now.  He's really happy about it.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

A bunch of pictures

This is a catch up since I haven't really been on top of this lately. When this one is done there is also a six month post below.  I also forgot in the six month update that he finally has a tooth!  There is just a little bit of white poking out.  Hopefully by the next post I can get a picture of it.

Cason driving the boat like a big boy.

He like to destroy things while he plays with them.

He is trying to hold a bottle.  He hasn't figured out you have to tip it to drink it.
Cason driving the car.  There is a theme with Daddy's pictures.
He really wants my phone when I get it out.  He looks like such a little man in this one.
I had to go to Nashville for work last week. This is Cason dropping me off.  It was a little early.
Grandma Dale came in to help take care of the boys.  This is one of the pictures she sent me of him playing while I was gone.
He always makes this face.  Terry finally caught him on camera doing it.
Just being cute!
And finally...getting ready for winter.

6 (and a half) Months

Our baby boy is 6 months old!  We are a little late on this one.  He had his 6 month check up on the 4th and he weighs 17 lbs and 7 oz.  He is growing about a pound a month and at this point is pretty much too heavy for me to carry in his car seat.

Cason is so sweet and so good.  If you would have told me at a month when he was screaming for hours at night and fussy and not sleeping that he would be so good now I wouldn't have believed it.  He smiles all the time and can entertain himself forever.  He loves any kind of exersaucer or bouncy chair.  He will go crazy in it! 

He loves food.  He still is not crazy about cereals but hasn't turned down anything else that we have tried.  Apples, peaches, green beans, squash...the list can go on.  After talking with our doctor we even started mixing his formula with some normal milk based formula.   So far so good!  I was really nervous about that angry, gassy baby coming back but he is still as sweet as can be.  He gets really excited when you put him in his highchair.  Usually he yells and bangs on it.

His favorite method for movement is log rolling.  I realized I have to actually pay attention to where he might go when I put him down now.  The other day I set him on his blanket and went in to wash bottles.  He likes to talk and sing to himself and I noticed that he sounded louder.  He had rolled across the living room and when I turned around he was staring at me smiling.  He was so proud of himself!  He can sit up by himself for short periods and he really wants to crawl but can't quite get all his limbs moving together. 

He is almost sleeping through the night!  Some nights he will make it the whole way and some nights he gets up once for a little snack.  Last night he woke up around 3:15 but as soon as I picked him up he snuggled in and didn't even need a bottle.  He moves like crazy in his crib and I think he got stuck in a spot and just wanted out.

It seems crazy that it has already been six months.  We are really loving this age.  He is usually in a good mood, can sit in a high chair, and loves his stroller so going places is easier these days.  He thinks kisses should be open mouth kisses.  He loves bath time and is so ticklish.  His laugh cracks me up.  Necklaces, earrings, and hair can be dangerous and risky.  He likes to grab on while you carry him and he is a strong little guy. 

As a side note he doesn't always wear the same clothes.  My parents were in town and Grammy had a photo session.  I downloaded her pictures before they left but have been to busy and/or lazy for anything else.  I'm going to work on getting all my picutres downloaded or just do the next one from my phone which is where most of the pictures end up anyway. :)

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Little Artist

A few times I noticed Cason had yellow or black stuff around his toes and finally figured out it was paint. I knew his daycare did art projects but thought he was too little to participate. The other day they sent some home. So cute!

He also started making a new face. Not sure why or how this started but we call it his "surprised baby face."

Friday, September 7, 2012

5 Months!

Cason is 5 months old!

 We are more in love with this little guy than ever.  He always greets us with the sweetest smiles and can be quite a ham for an audience.  He has slept through the night several times and we are keeping our fingers crossed for more full nights!  He is still a drooling mess and loves to chew on his hands or almost anything else that comes in his path.  Dangling earrings are dangerous and he has a seriously strong grip.  He moves across the floor by either rolling or working his little legs and scooting.  He hasn't figured out that he has arms that will help.  Once he figures that out we are in some trouble! :)
We finally started some baby food and after a few sessions he has become quite the eater.  He loves applesauce and sweet potatoes.  The other day he would scream until the spoon got to his mouth and then he would smile and open up.  We've tried carrots- not his favorite but he still eats them-and bananas.  We are staying away from bananas for now because his little checks turn red after he eats them.
We had another trip to Plano over labor day and made it in for his cousin Brooklyn's first birthday party.  After that we went to our friends Chris and Chrissy's house for another party.  We hung out with Grandma Dale and her friend Debbie and even made a trip to Ft. Worth to see his great Aunt Margaret and cousin Susan.  We wore him out but he was so good!
The Birthday Girl enjoying some cake!
He loves his little cow on his car seat.  He holds it while he sleeps. :)

We took a walk the other night and I realized how much bigger he really is.  Also note his permanent mowhawk.  There is nothing you can do about it, his hair grows straight up.


 And finally...we tend to forget about our first baby.  Cooper has been so sweet and such a good boy.  My mom was taking pictures of Cason and decided that Cooper needed a photo shoot too.  I think he liked the attention because he posed like he knew what was going on.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Sleeping and Eating

We actually got a full night of sleep last night.  Cason went to sleep around 9:00 and woke up at almost 7:30.  I will say that my body naturally woke up a few times but I gladly rolled back over to sleep.  My alarm actually woke me up, amazing. I'm not getting my hopes up but that one night was awesome!

We put him on his back in his crib now(he was sleeping in his chair), but he is a mover.  He is always trying to get somewhere while he is awake and apparently sleeping is no different.

He started out on his back and ended up on his tummy with his head in the far corner during this nap.
He is just so cute when he sleeps.  Terry and I both agree we love it when he yawns.  Its usually a drawn out process that ends with this little lip smacking noise.  I would be so annoyed if he was an adult, but cute when he does it.

His new favorite hobby is eating.  In the last two weeks he has started ramping up on the milk. His sheet from daycare yesterday had about twice as many oz as the week before. He isn't a fan of the rice cereal but he did discover baby applesauce and liked it!  I think we might be trying some more baby food after that success.  He weighed 15.7 at his last appointment and I feel like he has grown a pound since then.  I'm not going to be able to carry him in the car seat soon.  On a side note, his head size is off the charts.  I'm going to have to start cutting his shirts to get them over his head.

What I feel like I am constantly doing.  On the go this time!
His second favorite hobby is eating his hand.  Most of his shirts are constantly soaked.  Bibs don't really seem to help much.  You have to be careful when you kiss him because you might get a face full of slobber.  Everyone asks if he is teething but at his 4 mo appointment the Dr. didn't think he was too close yet.
My two favorite guys.  You notice where Cason gets that head? :)

Sunday, August 5, 2012

4 Months and Lots of Love

Cason turned 4 months old yesterday.  I cannot believe that the time has flown by so fast!  He is so sweet and such a happy baby.

A few things about Cason at 4 months:
  • He is starting to roll over.  He has done both front to back and back to front but only a few times.  He is constantly laying on his side.
  • He has started to laugh real laughs.  I love it!
  • He smiles at everyone, but the bigger smiles are for the ladies.
  • When I hold him he always grabs my hair, shirt or necklace to hang on.
  • He drools like crazy and wants to put everything in his mouth.
  • He has found his feet but is completely in awe of his hands.

We had two weekends of visitors.  Grandma Dale and Uncle B came in to visit last weekend.  Cason had lots of smiles for Grandma Dale.

My parents came down this weekend and we visited a friend of the family.  Betty has 4 granddaughters who gave Cason all the attention he could ever need.  They were so cute with him and he loved it!

Terry bought him his first pair of sunglasses.  He doesn't seem to mind them too much. He tried them out for the first time swinging with Granddaddy.