Saturday, May 31, 2014

Growing too fast

We went to Cason's 2 year check up about a month late and it's taken me almost another month to get to this. He has grown like crazy in the last few months.  He went through a spell where he was taking the longest naps and we would swear he looked different every time he woke up.  Apparently he really was growing!

He went from being below 50th percentile in height to 97th percentile.  He's grown almost 3 inches since his 18 month check up. He gained a couple of pounds and I swear he's just getting heavier every day. His head remains huge. :)

He loves to talk and is still obsessed with cars.  Everything is mama car or dada car and he has a song he sings. "Mama car big, dada car big" over and over. He parks his cars and drives them on the couch or floor when he gets really tired. He can be very specific about things.

He also has started to copy everything Terry does. Terry got a kayak so he puts his boat on top of the truck instead of on the trailer. He tells us the boat boat goes on dada car. Usually the trailer holds something else.

He was really excited to ride in the boat boat.

Terry eats cereal and Cason wants Cheerios in a bowl with a spoon. No milk though.

We've been very busy lately. We helped my Dad build Cooper a dog house. Cason was in charge of the screws.

Here he is working in his own project.

We see a lot of horses and talk about riding them so he thought he would try Cooper. It didn't last long.

We play a lot outside. Cason went to Top Golf for the first time and Uncle B taught him how to swing. He loved it! Now he plays "golf" with his bat.

His first slip and slide experience. He eventually ended up naked and the slide got a hole but it was fun while it lasted.

Practicing his hitting...he always opens his mouth on the swing. Ive noticed he uses his mouth a lot when he is concentrating.

Finally, he has started giving us a lot of faces. His new one is tilting his head down and looking at you out of the corner of his eyes. This was as good as I could get.