Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Sleeping and Eating

We actually got a full night of sleep last night.  Cason went to sleep around 9:00 and woke up at almost 7:30.  I will say that my body naturally woke up a few times but I gladly rolled back over to sleep.  My alarm actually woke me up, amazing. I'm not getting my hopes up but that one night was awesome!

We put him on his back in his crib now(he was sleeping in his chair), but he is a mover.  He is always trying to get somewhere while he is awake and apparently sleeping is no different.

He started out on his back and ended up on his tummy with his head in the far corner during this nap.
He is just so cute when he sleeps.  Terry and I both agree we love it when he yawns.  Its usually a drawn out process that ends with this little lip smacking noise.  I would be so annoyed if he was an adult, but cute when he does it.

His new favorite hobby is eating.  In the last two weeks he has started ramping up on the milk. His sheet from daycare yesterday had about twice as many oz as the week before. He isn't a fan of the rice cereal but he did discover baby applesauce and liked it!  I think we might be trying some more baby food after that success.  He weighed 15.7 at his last appointment and I feel like he has grown a pound since then.  I'm not going to be able to carry him in the car seat soon.  On a side note, his head size is off the charts.  I'm going to have to start cutting his shirts to get them over his head.

What I feel like I am constantly doing.  On the go this time!
His second favorite hobby is eating his hand.  Most of his shirts are constantly soaked.  Bibs don't really seem to help much.  You have to be careful when you kiss him because you might get a face full of slobber.  Everyone asks if he is teething but at his 4 mo appointment the Dr. didn't think he was too close yet.
My two favorite guys.  You notice where Cason gets that head? :)

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