Cason is one year old! It is a little hard to write that. I don't even know how to begin to describe everything about this silly boy. He is definitely a happy boy and loved more than you can imagine.
A few things about our Cason at 1 year:
- He really started walking 3 days after his first birthday. My mom, Terry, and I all witnessed the first big steps. I think we freaked him out a little bit we were so excited.
- He still has 8 teeth but the past few weeks has been drooling and chomping on everything (and we have had a few nights of waking up crying and bruises and bite marks). I think we are in for some more teeth, probably multiple.
- When I go in to his room after a nap or in the morning he snuggles his head on my neck, tucks his little arms in, and starts bending his knees like he is bouncing. It is one of my favorite things he does.
- He is very curious and wants to open every cabinet, look under all the furniture, and stares at people in public. Most people think its cute and wave or talk to him- so far.
- He loves the park, swinging, and most of all dogs. He has a very special shriek for the dogs. Maybe it is his way of barking, I'm not really sure.
- He still eats almost all kinds of food. If Grammy gives it to him he will definitely eat it. He has the cutest little belly to prove he is a good eater. When he is really full he sticks it all the way out and sometimes lifts up his shirt.
- He can push the wand and end of the vacuum around the floor forever. He gets mad at me sometimes when I am really vacuuming because he wants it.
- Stairs (and things he knows he shouldn't do) are his favorite. If we forget to put the gate on the stairs he crawls as fast as he can to the first step or two and then turns around and waits with his half little grin for you to catch up. As soon as you get close he charges up. When you grab him he laughs like crazy. He usually waits for you on most naughty things to make sure you know he is doing it. Little stinker!
- He sings when he eats and goes to sleep. When we go upstairs to rock and read his books he puts his head on my shoulder and we read the book. Then he flips around and lays his head on my other shoulder and starts his sleepy song. Some nights I just want to rock him forever.
We had 2 birthday parties for the big boy and here are some pictures from each. Grandma D offered up her house for the first one and we had lots of fun with balloons and bubbles and cousins Connor and Brooklyn.
Blowing out the candles on our big truck cake.
Our little family of 3 before the festivities really started.
My mom, Cason and I.
Cason and Grandma D
The banner (missing a letter) and the start of his birthday presents. Once again we travelled home with a full suburban.

His truck cake my mom made. She used to make my birthday cakes growing up too. :)
My mom and I spent hours on these cookies. About half of them broke in transport.
Checking out some bubbles with Unca B
Action shot of Connor chasing bubbles. It seems like he did this for hours.
Sweet Brooklyn checking out all the balloons on the ceiling.
On Sunday Grandpa heated the pool and Cason got to go swimming for the first time. It was a hit. He really loves his bath time and took to the pool right away. He even let Terry dunk his head and didn't seem afraid or bothered at all.
Terry blowing up his pink floatie (Target did not have the best selection but he is man enough to handle it) and Kevin and Owen practicing some swiming skills.
Swimming back and forth between Daddy and Brian
Playing with Grandpa after a big day of swimming.
The cake Amy made just for Cason to smash. Once again he practically cried after blowing out the candles. He tasted it tonight and practically bit my finger off trying to get some more.
He decided that cake isn't so bad after all. :)
Happy Birthday Cason Robert Williams. We love you!!
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