Cason turned 2 today! Most of the day was pretty normal with grocery shopping, naps, etc. But his big treat was going to Cabela's and finally getting to pick out his own truck/boat combo. Cason loves Cabelas. Its good and bad that we live about 2 minutes away from one. We have to pass by it to go pretty much anywhere which typically results in Cason on the verge of tears. For now telling him the boats are sleeping seems to work, but some day he will figure it out.
I don't know when exactly he became so obsessed with the boats. We realized he really loved them when he brought Terry his boots, said dada car, and started saying boat boat (its always twice) and making his fish face. I was pretty excited too because they headed out and I was home alone. :)
This was his face when we turned in the parking lot.
We have a rule that we hold hands in parking lots and near streets but he took off running and Terry is trying to catch up.
He cannot wait!
When we walk in he always points at all the animals. He goes and finds all the bears first and growls at them. Then he finds the turkeys and other animals. Next we make fish faces at the fish.
At some point on one of the trips he discovered these and remembered exactly where they were located. Today he picked this one out. Best day ever!
He didn't want either of us to touch it. He insisted on dragging it in the house.