He loves to stick his tongue out and spit. I think its the noise he likes more than anything. Cason loves watches, keys and remotes. Toy keys are not really good replacements. He is totally silly all the time and loves to smile and laugh and he is very vocal now. There are 3 exceptions: teething, when he wants his food, and when he is overly tired. Speaking of food he eats everything and wants to eat more.
Our 7 month old boy!
I'm trying to decide if he's going to start sucking his thumb. It is finding his way to his mouth more and more...along with his toes. I find him like this a lot. :)
Everyone comments on the hair. Best picture of it so far!
He now has 2 teeth and judging by the intensity of his chewing there might be more on the way. You can barely see his little teeth but its the best so far.
He actually smiles a lot at the camera. He loves when you take a picture with your phone and switch the view so he can see it. He thinks its a mirror. He knows when we go downstairs we stop in the middle to look in the mirror on the wall and after his bath we check ourselves out in the mirror too.
Cason and Daddy.